خدمات مشاوره و روانشناسي
ارائه مطالب مرتبط با روانشناسي و آنچه كه بتواند لحظاتي هرچند كوتاه موجبات دل آرامي را فراهم آورد.
یک شنبه 23 بهمن 1390برچسب:, :: 8:6 ::  نويسنده : اصغري
سه شنبه 18 بهمن 1390برچسب:, :: 7:14 ::  نويسنده : اصغري

Two things in life that are extremely difficult to achieve:-


1. to plant your idea in someone's head.


2. to plant someone's money in your own pocket.




- He who succeeds in the former - we call teacher.


- He who succeeds with the latter - we call boss.


- The one who succeeds in both - we call wife.

شنبه 15 بهمن 1390برچسب:, :: 7:17 ::  نويسنده : اصغري

Sometimes I forget to say hi, sometimes I forget to reply, sometimes my msg doesn't reach you, but it doesn't mean I forget you. I'm just giving you time

to Miss me.


FRIENDSHIP is the rainbow between two hearts sharing seven colors: feelings, love, sadness, happiness, truth, faith, secret & respect.


Its really cool when two strangers become best friends.

but its really sad when two best friends become strangers


Truth of the day.. As we Grow up we think we lose our friends.but truth is we Don't lose friends. We just learn who the real ones are..


Days begin with hopes and ends with

dreams! "Everyday starts with some

expectation, but everyday surely ends

with some experience."That's life"


Smile Is Like Sim card And Life Is Cellphone Whenever you Insert The Sim Of Smile A Beautiful Day Is Activated So Keep Smiling Always


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